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The Vesta industrial factory offers innovative metal cutting services with the ultra-modern SENFENG LASER CNC laser machine anywhere in the world based on a new customer service concept: "Smart Manufacturing on demand" (the new concept of customer service via the Internet and customer interactions with the plant using the latest information systems technologies)

PK VESTA offers a full cycle of the project: from the development of drawings to the final assembly of finished products (large lots, small-scale, single orders) Our fiber-optic laser cutting machines are designed for high-speed and high-quality cutting of various types of sheet metal to anywhere in the world. This series of machines is designed specifically for the tasks of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia and international markets.

Denis Koulakov
Deputy General Director for Development of PK VESTA
Mobile: +7 (910) 943-49-66 (from 8:00 to 9:00 pm by Moscow time) WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat


Automotive industry
Consumer goods
Electronics and Semiconductors
Medicine and Dentistry
Supply Chain and Purchasing
Military industry
Aerospace industry


IMPORTANT! Prices for laser cutting largely depend on the type of metal, its properties and thicknesses, the machine time spent on the execution of the order on the machine, the geometric complexity of a particular product, the volume of production (in running meters), etc. Below are the most common values based on tabular data.

Metal laser cutting calculator
Volume, running m.
Length mm Price, rubles (without VAT)
1 7.2
1.5 8
2 20.8
3 35.2
4 52.8
5 71.2
6 70.4
8 105.6
10 139.2
12 174.4
14 207.2
Total from: 892 ₽
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5% discount on cutting services for purchases before February 28, 2025

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PK VESTA history



"The industrial company PK VESTA has been operating in the construction market in Russia and abroad since 1991, offering modern solutions in the design, manufacture and construction of prefabricated steel buildings made out of light metal structures (LSGF and Rigid Framing), as well as metal processing services for Russian and international customers.

A distinctive feature of the plant is a unique business model based on the high-tech online service WebSteel, which allows serving all customers online 24/7"



You get guaranteed high operational quality for your unique products from the international manufacturer. We use only high-quality metal from well-known Russian metallurgical plants, modern IT technologies and the latest equipment. By default, we provide you with a 1 year warranty. 




Following the innovative concept, the PK Vesta plant offers its customers effective solutions for laser cutting of metal to create unique “custom-made” products anywhere in the world. Order products from 24 hours for a unique prototype, product or mass production.         

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Over 1 000 000 custom design options

Creating a new prototype of your product or serial metal products for your project has never been so simple and quick to order with a lead time of less than 24 hours at the Tula Plant. Our customers order products for the following: 
  1. Parts for machine-building industries;
  2. Accessories for shelving, coasters, shop equipment;
  3. Parts for the manufacture of instrument housings and industrial furniture;
  4. Templates, letters, stencils, signs;
  5. Elements for decorative forged products;
  6. Elements of a modern interior and much more.

How to make an order?


You send drawings of parts in electronic form, attaching requirements and conditions for metal processing for your products. The more detailed you work out the part, the lower the cost and speed of production will be for your order.

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Send your drawings

Sending drawings is possible in the most common formats:
STEP | STP | STL | SLDPRT | IPT | 3DXML | PRT | SAT | CATPART | X_T | X_B | PTC files or PDF | DXF | DWG | JPG | JPEG | PNG | 2D Drawings (support for files from software systems: Solid Works, Siemens NX, CATIA, INVERTOR, CREO, CorelDRAW, AutoCAD)

It is possible to send 3D models or in 2D format. The process of sending and accepting files is completely confidential and complies with the plant's privacy policy:
Order 1

Order 2


A technical consultant at the plant promptly responds to your request and together coordinates and confirms all the requirements and conditions for the terms of reference. Then it gives you a calculation of the cost of products depending on the type of metal, thickness and production time. You conclude a contract and make an advance payment.

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During the approval process, the plant representative carefully analyzes the request and discusses with the client all the requirements in detail. Particular attention is paid to the level of detail of the drawings. Some recommendations. In vector (CDR) images, all fonts must be converted to curves, super thin (hairline) strokes are not allowed. Bitmap graphics are not allowed.


The plant receives a signed contract and terms of reference from both sides, including an advance payment. Places the client in the overall production chain of the plant, fixing all the terms and prices for the order. The product manufacturing process is started. The customer is notified in advance for the shipment of the product from the factory. The last payment is made before shipment.

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We use professional fiber optic equipment to cut a wide range of metals of various thicknesses. Our supply is streamlined, all supplied raw materials are certified and comply with building codes and international standards.
Order 3

Raw materials and finished products
We manufacture completely non-standard products to order for any product purpose (based on our metal or client)
In the industrial sector, unique metal products are constantly being used in order to improve the efficiency of business processes (automobile construction, industry, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, etc.)
The premium market segment with metalworking - futuristic products used in the construction of residential and non-residential buildings, a combination of metal with glass and wood with a complex geometric shape.
Mass market of unique products for furniture and related industries in the form of different U, L and other elements. This is an extensive group of products that make furniture more practical and comfortable.
Fasteners are mass market in many countries. Improve and improve your products by ordering products with unique characteristics from any type of metal anywhere in the world.
Unique products for interior and exterior decoration. Send your unique project! We will do everything on a turnkey basis from 24 hours.
Figured unique products are used in many branches of the automotive industry, industrial, etc. We make large batches in a short period of time under the order.
A unique product category for designers, design bureaus, entrepreneurs, and design schools and institutes. It is used in various industries for furniture, decorative elements, lighting, elements for the interior and exterior of houses, buildings, etc. Make your metal products unique and extremely beautiful!
Black steel
Steel is a popular metal alloy composed primarily of iron and a small amount of carbon. Other elements such as manganese, chromium, vanadium and tungsten are sometimes added. Modern steel production began in 1858 when it became possible to economically produce large quantities. Steel is thermally conductive, corrosion resistant, ductile and malleable.
Copper is a naturally occurring non-magnetic metal known for its unique brownish-red color. Most bronze and brass alloys contain over 80% copper. Copper is ductile, easy to process and highly resistant to corrosion. It is also an excellent conductor of heat and electricity.
Aluminum is a light, non-magnetic, silvery metal that can be made in almost any shape. Pure aluminum is soft and has limited strength. Small amounts of elements such as copper, magnesium and zinc are often added to increase strength.
Stainless steel
Stainless steel is a steel alloy that contains at least 10% chromium. Additional chromium provides surface cleanliness and exceptional corrosion resistance not found in carbon steels.
State-of-the-art equipment

Advantages of the plant

We continue the work of our ancestors from the 15th century!
We continue the work of our ancestors from the 15th century!

Our plant continues to engage in metalworking in the famous industrial Russian city of Tula, as our ancestors did from the 15th century, producing innovative and high-tech products for international markets.



We continue the work of our ancestors from the 15th century!

In Tula, already in the 15th century, iron began to be smelted from local ore, which led to the active development of blacksmithing and weapons crafts. Famous dynasties lived in the city: Demidovs, Krasilnikovs, Orekhovs, Luginins, Batashevs and Mosolovs. Some of the specialists at the modern PK VESTA factory are representatives of the 2nd and 3rd generation since 1970, working in the market of prefabricated buildings made of lightweight metal structures. The average static experience of a specialist at the plant is more than 10 years. The accumulated experience in working with metal is carefully passed from generation to generation, introducing the latest industrial and information technologies in the 21st century.
Improving the lives of people for about a quarter of a century
Improving the lives of people for about a quarter of a century

We always focused on a detailed study of customer needs, creating and implementing the latest high-tech solutions for the construction industry in Russia and abroad.



Improving the lives of people for about a quarter of a century

Changes have been part of our plant’s development strategy for a quarter of the century. For example, in the early 90s we were the first in Russia to patent sectional and swing gates. In the 00th, we were the first in Russia and the CIS to enter the North American market of forged iron products. In 2010, we were one of the first to master the high-tech production of steel structures made out of LSGF, entering the top 10 companies in the country moving in this direction. At the same time, we were the first to launch a unique online service WebSteel for 24/7 customer service in real time.

Save up to 20-30% on new technologies and approaches!
Save up to 20-30% on new technologies and approaches!

We have always focused on introducing technologies that make life easier for people and save their budget, following the new Smart Continious Production concept now



Save up to 20-30% on new technologies and approaches!

We are constantly conducting new extensive research and work to improve the load-bearing and cladding structures of steel buildings, aimed at improving its operational properties. Every 4-6 years, the PK VESTA plant undergoes a serious modernization of its technological chains. Our buildings are becoming lighter, more reliable, more durable, versatile and less expensive to build anywhere in the world. The new concept of the Tula production “Smart Continuous Production” is a set of measures and approaches to achieve the above stated goals.

Turnkey building solutions anywhere in the world!
Turnkey building solutions anywhere in the world!

Working in international markets, we place particular emphasis on addressing individual customer needs.



Turnkey building solutions anywhere in the world!

The peculiarity of working with the PK VESTA plant is that the client does not receive a “pile of metal”, but a specifically developed solution for him based on regulatory requirements for the project, the appearance of the building, the design nuances and the custom configuration of the steel structure. At the same time, online and offline customer services play a key role in achieving these goals, especially in export operations. The client is offered the most optimal solutions, taking into account the most modern building technologies, types of load-bearing and cladding structures and color solutions.

You yourself create a unique image of the building!
You yourself create a unique image of the building!

We follow the new concept in international markets “Smart Techno Design”, where the client creates his own image of the building in the WebSteel online service in the zone of technological restrictions of production and then orders the building kit at the factory anywhere in the world.



You yourself create a unique image of the building!

The concept of “Smart Techno Design” is a high-tech combination of the plant’s technical capabilities with the needs of the client in the non-residential construction market based on the WebSteel online service. Now, the client, taking into account his worldview, culture and project requirements, can choose the most suitable building design based on many styles through the WebSteel online service: Contemporary, Scandinavian, Loft, Classic, Minimalism, Functionalism, Modern or Asian. We are sure that the time has come when a non-residential building should look as beautiful as a residential one. The role of the chief designer is gradually transferred from the factory to the client himself via the powerful online services.



The new modern fiber-optic SENFENG machine with the maximum power of 2 kW and a working surface of 3000x1500 mm is easy to use, has low power consumption, is easy to maintain, has low-cost consumables, and high quality products with a smooth edge. All this allows you to increase the speed of production and significantly reduce the cost of production. Cutting is carried out with the supply of oxygen, nitrogen or air.

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The basic machine configuration:

  1. Reinforced welded bed
  2. Cast aluminum portal
  3. Raycus Fiber Laser Emitter
  4. SenFeng Laser Cutting Head with Auto Focus
  5. Power Electronics Scheider Electric (France)
  6. 1kW Scheider Electric engine (France)
  7. Planetary gearboxes Motovario (Italy)
  8. Guides 25mm TNC (Japan)
  9. Helical gear rack
  10. Chiller cooling S&A
  11. Voltage regulator
  12. Automatic lubrication system
  13. Control panel
  14. Wireless control panel with magnetic insert
  15. Exhaust fan
  16. Corrugated hoses (D-250mm, length - 2m - 2pcs.)
  17. Supports
  18. Tool box + operator glasses



Based on the concept of “Smart Manufacturing on demand” (smart manufacturing on order), Vesta PC is conducting research and new developments to improve the existing online WebSteel service for introducing a new service for laser metal cutting, uploading 3D and 2D models of parts from a client to an online service, online drawing processing, selection of basic parameters and instant calculation of the cost of individual products.

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Smart systems based on IT technologies

We are working on the modernization of the existing “Smart Instant Quoating Engine” of the WebSteel system (the basic smart platform for instant request calculation online)

It is planned to enable the client to upload drawings and 3D models to WebSteel himself, choose the thickness of the metal, the type of metal, the type of surface for processing and protection, the delivery method with specification of the unloading location, etc. This will greatly facilitate the budgeting process for unique products (piece or serial) and simplify the format of interaction with the Tula Plant via the Internet.


Specifications, price list and catalogue
IMPORTANT! Prices for laser cutting largely depend on the type of metal, its properties and thicknesses, the machine time spent on the execution of the order on the machine, the geometric complexity of a particular product, the volume of production (in running meters), etc. Below are the most common values based on tabular data.

Metal laser cutting calculator
Volume, running m.
Length mm Price, rubles (without VAT)
1 7.2
1.5 8
2 20.8
3 35.2
4 52.8
5 71.2
6 70.4
8 105.6
10 139.2
12 174.4
14 207.2
Total from: 892 ₽
Main currency

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